The Local Offer

1. How our setting knows if young children need extra help and what out parents/carers should do if they think their child may have SEND

At Rainbow staff are experienced in observing, assessing and planning for each individual child. Our registration forms and “All about Me” forms give opportunities for parent’s to raise concerns prior to children starting and on-going two way discussions support this once a child has started with us.

2. How our setting supports young children with SEND.

Rainbow staff are all highly trained in identifying children’s needs, with each child having their own key person. We have a Senco, an Enco also staff trained in ELKLAN and Behaviour management. We work closely with and are supported by Essex LA professionals such as an area Senco, attached health visitor, speech and language therapists and other health care professionals. Parents/carers are included and supported at every step of a child’s development and encouraged to input their ideas into plans.

3. How our setting creates learning and development opportunities for individual children with SEND

Each child has their own ‘special folder’ created together by their key person and parent’s, this is based on the EYFS curriculum. This is a record of each individual child’s learning journey and no two are the same. The key person uses their assessments to feed individual needs into the planning for the setting. Activities are tailored to children’s needs through differentiation, usually evidenced by a variety of equipment and resources to reflect the needs of the children attending. If needed local health care professionals supply specially adapted resources to ensure each child can achieve their full potential.

4. How our setting works in partnership with parents/carers

We ensure that parents/carers views are included in all aspects of their child’s development by operating an ‘open door’ policy. We will always make time to speak to parents/carers about any issue, concern and progress of their children and will always support you and your child as and when needed. We share progress and development with you termly but more regularly if needed. We work closely with our local children’s centre and health care professionals and can signpost parents/carers to any additional training or events to support them and their child.

5. How our setting supports the wellbeing of young children with SEND

Rainbow Pre-school has policies and procedures in place to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all its’ children. Should your child require prescribed medication whilst on the premises, upon completion of the relevant paperwork, this can be carried out by a named member of staff and you will be required to sign for this. We promote positive behaviour and staff are trained to support this. Should your child display unwanted behaviour then we will work with you and your child to provide a consistent and planned approach to improve the behaviour. Your child will be involved in the development of this approach. A health and safety assessment is made before every session and an annual risk assessment is made In relation to the setting as a whole. Where necessary a risk assessment is carried out before any additional activity i.e. trip to the park.

6. Staff training and experience in supporting young children with SEND

Our staff have attended speech, language and communication training. Promoting positive behaviour training, Senco and Inclusion co-ordinator training. English as an additional language training and Makaton sign language is used throughout the setting with staff fully trained in this. We currently have 9 members of staff who hold a paediatric first aid certificate and as well as our Designated and Deputy Designated member of staff for safeguarding we have 11 members of staff qualified to level 2 and staff continuously update their training. When required, staff will attend further specialised training in order to support the child.

7. Specialist services and expertise accessed by our setting

Whilst the pre-school does not offer specialist services, we are happy to work alongside the specialists involved with your child and they are welcome to visit your child at the setting.

8. How our setting includes young children with SEND in community based activities and outings.

All children are welcome to attend trips. Prior to the trip the pre-school will discuss with parents the best way for their child to access the activity and a risk assessment will be undertaken. Additional staff can be included to give 1:1 attention to the child or the child’s parent/carer will be invited to attend the trip.

9. Our accessible environment

Our building, toilets and outside area are fully wheelchair accessible. We are happy to work with families to access any specialist equipment needed. We use visual timetables to support routines and communications.

10. How our setting prepares and support young children with SEND when joining the setting and when transferring to another setting or school

Rainbow offers one or more introductory visits prior to children starting, which is an opportunity for everyone to get to know one another and the setting. On starting we offer flexible entry where children can attend for limited times/sessions, with or without their parent as required. The type of entry is dependent on the needs of the individual child. When transferring to school we will initially liaise with the school to arrange the best transition for your child. This could include a transition meeting between school, pre-school and parents to discuss the best strategies to support transition; teacher visits to the pre-school; photographs of the school and visits to the school by your child.

11. How our setting organises its resources to meet the needs of young children with SEND

Our budget allows for staff training as needed and we can apply for extra funding to support your child if required. We can use this extra funding to purchase particular equipment to promote each child's development.

12. How we decide on appropriate support for young children with SEND

Through the observation process linked to the EYFS ages and stages of development and in discussion with parents/carers, the key person, Senco and pre-school leader will identify what support is required. Extra support will be put into place if required. Partnerships with outside agencies (if involved) will be used to to plan support within the setting and together with parents/carers we will set targets for each child’s development. Staff meetings ensure that all staff are aware of children’s strength’s and needs and how to support them.

13. How we involve parents/carers in our setting

At Rainbow we are happy to have parents involved in the group. This could be by joining our parent committee, helping out at events or just joining in with the variety of activities on offer. We always welcome parents and operate an ‘open-door‘ policy. We recognise parents/carers as the first and most important educators of children and involve them at every step of their child’s time with us.

14. Who to contact for further information

Donna Ellis (Pre-School leader), Angela Lewis (SENCo) and Barbara Beer (SENCo) are available for you to contact for an initial chat. We encourage parent/carers and children to visit us so that you can observe the children and staff in the setting and discuss your child’s interests and needs. More detailed information is available in the policies area on this website. We can offer advice about other professionals who will be able to support you and your child. Further guidance can be found by visiting